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Our team has been working in the news business for over 3 decades.

We've seen how the world has changed, and how it keeps on changing. Our line of work is constantly evolving and we are here to help you evolve at the same pace.

Each newspaper is unique and that's why our products are customizable and our services, personalized.

The Archive, editorial, workflow & Ads programs work as the four pillars in a newspaper's productive cycle. Each app can be installed separately, but when they all work together their power increases


In all Latin-America, Newspapers, News Agencies, TV Channels & Radio stations

trust us with their day to day news needs



We take the pre-existing system into account while installing the new software. After the set-up is completed, we train your employees so they can understand and use the new software freely.


We meet with you to understand your specific needs and customize our products to meet your requirements.


With this service you have access to free upgrades plus scheduled visits and quality checks done by our technicians.

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We have redefined our modular products, combining several of them to form integrated programs. SD Newsroom and SD Ads are our main characters in this change.


Much more than a CMS. This evolution of the SD Editor merges paper and web news management in an easy and user-friendly approach.

This software transforms your PC in a wire-central and has all the tools for you to have a more efficient search. You will have access to the web viewer in any PC.

This user-friendly platform pre-diagrams the pages and places the news elements automatically.

Stores every element used in the news and organizes them with key words and tags. Adaptable and easy to use.


Manages the ads entry to the system and can automatically set the price depending on their size and placement.

Lets the clients manage their ads following the system's structure, simplifying the process for both, client and newspaper.

Gets the Ads placed in the pages, leaving them ready for writers and editors to fill the free spaces with news..

Receives the classified ads, creates sections, organizes the classified ads and creates pages ready for printing.


Follows the entire news creating process. It creates printing plates and gets them checked before being printed by making soft-proofs.

Takes care of the news gathering. Simplifies the assignment, notification and monitoring of different roles.


Feel free to share your ideas and specific needs with us! We are always creating new solutions for the news business and our clients are our partners in this growth.


Web Newspaper Platform

We present our web newspaper platform, Digital News. Any user with a minimal training can build and customize a digital newspaper based on a particular aesthetic, intuitively placing blocks of news and advertisements.

New Classified Page for Salta

We are working in the new LoVenTodos. The web classifieds page for El Tribuno de Salta. It will run faster and have more search options.

More than a CMS

The SD Newsroom is our news reloaded SD Editor. In a market full of CMSs we lift the bar by creating a CMS that works as the entire newsroom of a newspaper and can simplify writing and editing process + creating multiple exits multimedia


Our Office.

SD Technology

Martin Lezica 3085, San Isidro.

Buenos Aires, Argentina. B1642GJA

(54) 11 4766 6770

[email protected]

Work with us!

We are always looking for new ideas. Both, soft-ware development and commercial growth. Send us your CV and cover letter.